Africani islamici gettano in mare uomini e li mitragliano – VIDEO CHOC


Armed with machine guns, militants from al-Shabaab proceed to callously gun down the desperate prisoners, struggling to stay alive in the sea.

 The lifeless bodies appear to be left unburied with footage later showing one of the corpses rotting on the sand.

Dressed in brightly coloured t-shirts and patterned trousers, the innocent men are forced to form a human chain, holding the waist of the man in front of them.

Al-Shabaab has become well known for its indiscriminate targeting of civilians and government figures, particularly in rural areas of the country.


Forced to sit on the sandy beach, crude blindfolds constructed out of their own shirts are applied to the eyes of the prisoners.

Forced to put their hands on their heads and walk to the death, a group of young men are shown being led to their deaths.

Questo è come gli africani trattano altri africani. Il gruppo islamico somalo Al-Shabaab – dei cui membri sono pieni i barconi che la GC raccatta, e ce ne accorgeremo presto – ha rilasciato un nuovo video, che mostra un gruppo di civili costretti a gettarsi in mare per venire li uccisi a raffiche di mitra.

Intitolato ‘In Remembrance 2’, il video mostra Al-Shabaab che uccide freddamente civili con le mitragliatrici prima di lasciare i corpi a marcire sulla spiaggia.

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