Strage in case di riposo toscane: 170 morti – VIDEO


2 pensieri su “Strage in case di riposo toscane: 170 morti – VIDEO”

  1. Da “Maledetti Nazi, sempre a ficcare il naso…” una raccolta di nomignoli, cognomignoli e fatterelli relativi a Corona-chan. La raccolta è più o meno completa e arriva circa alle dichiarazioni di Montagnier. Mancano i “si dice” più spettacolari perchè sono per l’appunto dei “si dice”. La raccolta è completa di fonti archiviate. Chiedo scusa per le dimensioni e per l’abbondanza di link oltre al fraseggio da perfido nazi telematico che a volte può essere oscuro per i non avvezzi. Buon divertimento.

    >Indeed, the study confirms “No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases” – meaning that the first patient at the market was not responsible for spreading the virus to other cases.

    >While Mr. Fu here seems to believe the virus originated from the market, we know from the Lancet study that it is unlikely. So, if SARS-CoV-2 did not originate at the market itself, where could it have come from?

    >Tim Trevan, founder of CHROME Biosafety and Biosecurity Consulting in Damascus, Maryland, says that an open culture is important to keeping BSL-4 labs safe, and he questions how easy this will be in China, where society emphasizes hierarchy.

    >In layman’s terms:

    >We found this SARS-like virus (“S”) that couldn’t infect human cells.

    >So, we combined S with parts of HIV, which does infect human cells, to see if this new S could infect human cells.

    >The new S (“chimeric S”) can infect human cells.

    possibly the S-strain from early breads?

    >If two coronaviruses infect the same bat and recombinate, they can potentially result in a novel (never before recognized) coronavirus

    >It only takes a few changes (“exchange of a relatively small sequence segment”) between two coronaviruses to result in a third coronavirus that can infect other animals (“host-switching”)

    >The odds of this happening are pretty good!

    >Indeed, as we know now, the odds were pretty good. Of course, what we don’t know is whether this spillover event happened in the wild (currently unproven) or in the WIV (this paper proves that they have successfully done it before, in this very location).

    >Once again, in layman’s terms:

    >We found a virus in bats called SHC014-CoV that is similar to SARS.

    >We constructed a chimera virus using SHC014-CoV as a basis that could also infect mice cells.

    >We found the same virus can infect “human airway cells” and impact them the same way as “epidemic strains of SARS-CoV” in vitro. (paraphrased: “it’s as bad as SARS”)

    >We tested the same virus on real mice (“in vivo”), and found it could infect their lungs.

    >We tried to fight the virus using antibodies and vaccines that help fight SARS, and couldn’t find anything that helped. (“poor efficacy”)

    >We synthetically cloned this chimera virus and tested it both in vitro and in vivo, and found it works well.

    Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research (November 12, 2015)

    <While it is possible, and even likely, for a SARS-like coronavirus to develop the ability to bind to ACE2 receptors in the wild (as Paper 2 claims), this unfortunately also means we cannot rule out the connection to WIV. If SARS-CoV-2 had bound to different receptors, that would make the contents of these papers less suspicious for the claims at hand.

    <When it comes to coronaviruses, a 96.2% match is very, very close. You may have heard the common saying that humans share 96% of their DNA with other primates, such as chimpanzees. While this is true, a virus has a significantly smaller genome (only tens of thousands of base pairs compared to over 6 billion in the human genome).

    Fatal swine acute diarrhoea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus of bat origin (April 4, 2018)

    Evaluation of MICRO-CHEM PLUS as a Disinfectant for Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory in China (March 5, 2018)

    >we extensively evaluated the disinfection efficacy of 5% MCP in the first BSL-4 laboratory in China. WIV1 was completely inactivated in 1 minute of contact time by a 27-fold dilution of 5% MCP with a titer reduction of more than 7 lg 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50)/mL, while a 243-fold dilution of 5% MCP showed very weak activity

    Molecular mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement of coronavirus entry (November 27, 2019)

    <As recently as November 2019, WIV was conducting research on MERS-CoV, which is a direct relative to SARS-CoV-1.

    (original page no longer available)

    <WIV was the prime suspect until a mysterious paper, released on ResearchGate in early February, pointed at the possibility of an infection acquired from the Wuhan Centre for Disease Control. Indeed, its close proximity to the Huanan Seafood Market – less than 3 miles away – combined with its lower BSL rating (BSL-2), also makes it a likely candidate.

    <The paper was released by Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao, from the South China University of Technology. It has since been redacted from ResearchGate.

    <Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao’s profiles also appear to have disappeared from ResearchGate.

    where he now?

    <His next claim is that it is very unlikely that there would be bats naturally living in the metropolitan distict of Wuhan, and in fact no bats were traded at the market at all.

    <Let us go one step further: there were no bats in Wuhan in December, because bats hibernate in the winter!

    <The Lancet study suggests that there may have been a second animal involved in the spillover event. Several animals, such as snakes or pangolins, have been suggested, but the scientific community has not yet reached a consensus at this point in time.

    <Therefore, the only likely way bats could be in Wuhan would be if they were brought there by humans. For example, if they were to be studied in a bio-laboratory.

    <Dr. Xiao is correct again, however these [horseshoe]bats were collected "in the spring of 2010 and autumn of 2011." It is unknown whether horseshoe bats were present in the WHCDC in late 2019. What is certain is that the WHCDC has engaged in bat collection activities before.

    <Researcher Was Once Attacked By Bats

    <We unfortunately could not find the source articles. We did find a secondary source in the Washington Post

    Last week, Mr. Xiao told The Wall Street Journal he had withdrawn his paper. “The speculation about the possible origins in the post was based on published papers and media, and was not supported by direct proofs,” he said in a brief email on Feb. 26.

    SARS-CoV-1 Escaped A Lab in Beijing (Twice)

    State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses (April 14, 2020)

    <The article mentions a press release deleted by the WIV. Thankfully, it has already been archived:

    Biosafety guideline issued to fix chronic management loopholes at virus labs (February 17, 2020)

    What made the incident even more confusing is that when a reporter from the Continental Beijing News inquired about the rumors about patient No. 0, the institute first denied the researcher Huang Yanling [worked there], but after learning that the person’s name was indeed on the Internet, he Acknowledged that this person had worked in the institute, but now [s]he has left the job and his [her] whereabouts are unknown.

    [omitting lots of occasions of china officials lying]

    <We agree that, based on publicly available information and the interviews conducted with the PHAC and the RCMP, Dr. Qiu likely was not removed for shipping any coronavirus to the WIV.

    <However, the NML has specific importance as it was one of the few labs in the world to receive a sample of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) coronavirus

    <The NML received a sample of MERS virus in 2013 and grew "stocks" of it

    <The NML shipped BSL-4 pathogens to China in March, 2019

    <There is still an ongoing investigation into Dr. Qiu and her husband over an "administrative matter"

    <Dr. Qiu specifically trained workers at the BSL-4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology

    <Arrest of Dr. Charles Lieber and Two Chinese Nationals

    <Author’s Note: The lab Dr. Lieber was reportedly paid to build is not the BSL-4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

    <However, consider that this press release was issued 5 days after Wuhan entered lockdown, on the 23rd.

    Event 201

    >We could not find evidence to support the involvement of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in the spreading of SARS-CoV-2, other than Event 201’s relative closeness in time to the first reports of an outbreak.

    >We would like to say that, if any of these organizations had malicious motives, we likely would not know of Event 201. Only in movies do evil villains explain their plan to the audience before carrying it out. Real life has no plot.

    >Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag

    We hope that this document adequately addressed each claim with what evidence is available and fulfilled its secondary responsibility of educating you on biolaboratory safety. By now, we hope you understand that these claims are not impossible; they are in fact more than likely.

    1. Quindi non tanto la teoria di Liguori, quanto quella dell’Antani di 3 mesi fa, si avvicinava alla realtà dei fatti. L’unica cosa assurda è l’HIV, piuttosto sarebbe da pensare a Ebola-chan vista la predilizione di Corona-chan per il sistema cardiovascolare, oltre al fatto che viaggi praticamente nell’aria. In pratica quella del mercato cinese e della zuppa di pipistrello era tutta una proiezione filmica dei rincoglioniti occidentali (Contagion e altre amenità). Manciate itagliano!

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