I fari ghiacciati del Michigan – FOTO


 I due fari delle cittadine di St Joseph e South Haven , nello Stato americano del Michigan.

Entombed by the weather: This lighthouse in Michigan resembles a giant icicle after crashing waves were frozen around it by a severe winter storm

Picturesque: This lighthouse was captured in the city of St Joseph. The structures can remain frozen for over a month during particularly severe winters


A lighthouse stands frozen still after a big storm in St Joseph, Michigan
This frozen lighthouse in Michigan could easily be mistaken for a still from the snow swept disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow

'An event I look forward to very much': Every year, Mr Zakowski makes the trip to St Joseph and South Haven after a big storm to capture the resulting scenes
Nature's beauty: The lighthouses and their piers were frozen solid by the waves that came crashing down and then froze