Trump scatenato: via pagina sull’agenda Gay da sito Casa Bianca


Trump si è appena insediato, e già sta smontando il piccolo mondo di Hussein Obama. Ieri sera ha firmato il primo decreto che inizia a smobilitare l’Obamacare. Ma ancora prima, subito dopo il giuramento, il suo staff ha iniziato a cancellare dal sito ufficiale della Casa Bianca riferimenti alla bufala del Global Warming e al TTIP, lo avevamo già scritto ieri sera.

Oggi le lobby gay sono in agitazione. Scrive il WP scandalizzato:

LGBT rights page disappears from White House web site

Several social issues disappeared from the site Friday, including a page dedicated to LGBT rights.


A report on the Labor Department’s website on LGBT workers rights was also removed.

Advocates for the LGBT community have worried about what a Trump administration would mean for the progress made on equality issues under President Obama. As a candidate, President Trump said he is opposed to same-sex marriage and Vice President Pence has taken strong anti-gay rights stances throughout his political career.

And while it’s standard for the new administration to update the White House’s official website with its agenda as part of the transition it is notable that the Trump administration did not choose to include anything about the LGBT community.

I Trumpisti hanno cancellato anche i riferimenti all’agenda omosessista di Obama. Inizia una nuova era. E’ un altro mondo.