
Quando si tratta di scienza, ci piace affidarci a dati scientifici, non a sedicenti esperti come i primari nominati dai partiti, come invece fanno i media di distrazione di massa.

Come abbiamo scritto in un altro articolo, è in corso una grave epidemia di Meningite C – il ceppo che colpisce in Italia – nelle zone di provenienza degli immigrati raccattati in Libia. Cosa che i giornali italiani ed esperti prezzolati negano da mesi.

Ad esempio, l’organizzazione che registra la situazione epidemiologica in Africa scrive:

414 cases of meningitis, including 33 deaths, have been registered in Niger in January and February 2016. This exceeds significantly the number of cases recorded during the same period in 2015 (95 cases). Most of the cases are registered in the districts of Niamey, Tahoua, Tillabery and Dosso (South West of Niger). This outbreak is suspected to be caused by Group C meningitis bacteria. (ECHO, 8 Mar 2016)

From 1 January to the end of February, Niger recorded 417 cases of meningitis, including 34 deaths. One district in the region of Niamey has reached the epidemic threshold, and two districts in the regions of Dosso and Tillabery have hit the alert level. This year, health authorities have identified 21 districts as being at risk. During the same period last year, around 100 cases had been recorded, rising to 345 by the end of March 2015. (OCHA, 14 Mar 2016)

From 4 January to 27 March, 979 cases of meningitis, including 74 deaths, were reported, compared to 293 cases and 41 deaths last year during the same period. The case fatality rate is however decreasing from 14 per cent in 2015 to 7.6 percent in 2016 during the same reporting period. Children 0-4 years account for 30 percent of those affected while those 5- 14 years account for 35 per cent of the total. (OCHA, 1 Apr 2016)


The number of cases of meningitis is decreasing. From 1 January to 15 May, 1,411 cases have been registered, including 95 deaths. Niamey, with 571 cases, is the most affected region. (UNICEF, 30 Apr 2016)

According to official figures, as of 4 May 1,199 cases of meningitis C have been identified and 87 people have died of the disease, mostly in the western part of the country. According to the preparedness and response plan for meningitis epidemics in Niger, 2.8 million people should be vaccinated if an outbreak affects 21 health districts. However, so far immunisation campaigns have been carried out in only six of these 21 districts. (MSF, 4 May 2016)

At week 25 (20-25 June), 1,568 cases of Meningitis (meningococcal C) have been reported with 114 deaths. During week 25: 206,755 people were reached through vaccination with support of various partners including UNICEF. (UNICEF, 30 Jun 2016)

Interessante. Quindi la ‘inesistente’ epidemia di Meningite C in Africa ha colpito, a giugno di quest’anno, 1.568 persone, con 114 morti. Ha colpito anche nei mesi precedenti. E non si hanno dati sui messi successivi. Anche se numeri ufficiosi parlano di oltre 2.000 casi e circa 200 morti.

Il Niger è qui:


E moltissimi ‘profughi’ arrivano da lì o passano di lì per arrivare qui. Ma, ovviamente, non esiste la Meningite C in Africa, l’ha detto la tv.