Ecco cosa fanno i profughi: diffuse immagini omicidio volontaria


I media di distrazione di massa vi fanno vedere molte foto strappalacrime – quasi sempre finte o costruite ad arte – di sedicenti profughi. Noi vi vogliamo mostrare una foto vera, che rappresenta l’invasione in corso.

E’ stata diffusa nel processo al profugo ‘minorenne’ che ha assassinato, pochi mesi fa, Alexandra, la volontaria svedese di un centro profughi:

Bloodbath: This is the kitchen where 22-year-old Alexandra Mezher was attacked, allegedly by Youssaf Khaliif Nuur, who said he was 15

Escape: Miss Mehzer then tried to crawl away from her attacker, making her way along the corridor, leaving a trail of blood

Deadly: Police have said the severity of her injuries were such she would have needed medical attention within minutes to survive


Defence: Other young migrants, who heard her screams, tried to intervene - the first one was beaten back, but another overpowered Nuur

Charged: Nuur, who says he is from an Ethiopian village, pictured after his arrest, claims he cannot remember anything of the attack itself

Safety: This is the bedroom where Miss Mezher ended up, after pulling herself to safety down the hallway on January 25

Vicious: Miss Mezher also had stab wounds to her back and to her hands, suggesting she had tried to defend herself from the onslaught

Hiding place: Miss Mezher spent her final moments in this room, where she bled to death after her artery was severed
