Agenti scioccati pubblicano foto: “Ecco come i profughi riducono i centri” – FOTO


Durante la visita di B. Hussein Obama in Germania, Merkel ha deciso che i poliziotti tedeschi del NRW dovessero fare posto al seguito – numeroso – della sicurezza americana. Li ha così trasferiti dalle loro caserme ad un centro che aveva appena ospitato dei cosiddetti profughi.

Gli agenti hanno trovato il centro in condizioni pietose: vomito, piscio, sangue e sperma ovunque:

Officers were shocked to find the showers inside the accommodation (pictured) stained brown and yellow

A smear is visible on the edge of a mattress at the centre, which police eventually refused to sleep in

Police were asked to stay there instead of their normal barracks because it was full with security teams working the Obama visit to Hanover. Pictured are blood stains on a mattress


In a post on the police union's Facebook page, they described seeing cockroaches 'eating' leftover food

The carpet was also seen covered in what appeared to be vomit

The carpet was also wet in patches

Alla fine, hanno deciso di passare la notte nei loro mezzi davanti lo zoo:

Police refused to stay at the centre, instead opting to sleep in their vehicles inside a zoo - where they were woken by giraffes