ISIS crocifigge presunte spie – FOTO CHOC


Helpless: Islamic State has reportedly executed two alleged spies in the Syrian city of Al-Bab

Gli islamici di ISIS hanno pubblicamente ‘giustiziato’ due presunte spie e senza pietà crocifisso un altro uomo, appendendolo ad un cartello stradale nella città siriana di Al-Bab.

Le immagini mostrano due uomini – legati e vestiti con tute arancioni – in ginocchio a terra, con centinaia di miliziani islamici che li circondano.


Crucified: One of the men's dead bodies was tied to a post, with a message hung around his neck

Surrounded: Hundreds of masked and armed men encircle the helpless captives, while young men look on

Cruelty: Men believed to be IS fighters and sympathisers seem to celebrate the kidnapped men's deaths

Public killing: One picture seems to show a crowd of hundreds gathering for what could be the execution

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