ISIS appoggia le violenze nere di Ferguson – FOTO


'Chilling': The links between Ferguson and ISIS go right back to the first protests in August, when a CNN news report appeared to show a man holding a placard reading 'ISIS is here'

I saccheggiatori africani di Ferguson inneggiano ad ISIS, con cartelli e grida: “ISIS è qui”. E i tagliagole islamici lanciano sul web il proprio appoggio:

Miliants: The note was accompanied by a photograph of a number of masked young men posing with assault rifles and mobile phone cases bearing the black and white logo of the Islamic State


Pledge: The note Birmingham-born jihadi Junaid Hussain, 20 posted on Twitter today is titled 'From #IS 2 Ferguson' and contains a promise to send militants to the Missouri city if protesters pledge allegiance to ISIS

Terror: British jihadi Junaid Hussain, 20 - who has adopted the nom de guerre Abu Hussain al-Britani -used the slogan 'From #IS 2 Ferguson' to share the note pledging support for Ferguson protesters

Del resto, è molto alta la percentuale di islamici tra i cosiddetti ‘afro-americani’. E’ in quelle fila che ISIS fa proseliti.